
翻譯:Breaking News 突發新聞,最新新闻

Chen Li: And I’m Chen Li. Hello!

Helen: In Real English, we look at words and phrases that you might not find in your dictionary.

Chen Li: 英語是一種非常程式化的語行,所以懂得現實生涯中人們經常应用的牢固表達跟俚語天然便很有效了。

Helen: Today’s expression is ‘breaking news’. Breaking news.

Chen Li: Breaking news. 能够解釋一下意思嗎?

Helen: Well breaking news is a brand new news story of something that has only just happened.

Chen Li: 是的,正在英語中,一個事务忽然發死,凡是會用到動詞break。意义是一條突發性新聞,所以breaking news就是突發事宜,最新新闻。

Helen: And it’s quite possible that breaking news is so new that it’s the first time you will hear that news story.

Chen Li: Breaking news 就是從來就沒有聽過的新聞.

Helen: You might hear a news reader on the TV use the expression breaking news.

Chen Li: 是的,一個新聞主持人常說breaking news來談論突發事件或您正在新聞網頁上看到的新聞。

Helen: Here’s some language to help you understand the clip.

Chen Li: Reports 報讲 a crash 碰車事件 arrested 被拘捕


Breaking news now….we’re getting reports of a bus crash in central London&hellip,外貿翻譯;(fade)

And now some breaking news…..7 men have been arrested in north of England following a….(fade)

Helen: Well I have some breaking news for everyone…

Chen Li: Really,芬蘭文翻譯中文? What’s that Helen?

Helen: Well the breaking news just in is…well we’ve e to the end of the programme.

Chen Li: That’s not really breaking news is it? We always end the programme about now.

Helen: Well you’ve just got time to re-cap today’s expression.

Chen Li: 我們明天壆到的是breaking news – 突發新聞,最新动静

You’ve been listening to BBC Learning English.

Helen: Join us for more Real English next time. Bye.

