

A would be B has been C had been D would have been (C)
It seems oil _____ form this pipe for some time , we’ll have to take the machine apart to put it right ,泰文翻譯.(97/6)
A had leaked B is leaking C leaked D has been leaking (D)
It’s reported that by the end of this month the output of cement in the factory _____ by about 10% . (96/1)
A will have risen B has risen C will be rising D has been rising (A)

七 詞序(副詞的位寘,前寘定語的位寘)
I could not find ____ , and so I took this one .(91/6)
A a large enough coat B a large coat enough C an enough large coat D a coat enough large (A)

八 情態動詞
Mary’s score on the test is the highest in her class ,泰文翻譯; she _____ have studied very hard . (89/1)
A may B should C must D ought to (C)

九 定語從句
_____ might be expected , the response to the question was very mixed . ( 95/1)
A As B That C It D What (A)

十 同位語從句
The mere fact ____ most people believe nuclear war would be madness does mean that it will not occur .(97/6)
A what B which C that D why (C)

十一 強調句型
___--she first heard of the man referred to as specialist . (90/1)
A That was form Stephen B It was Stephen
C It was form Stephen D It was Stephen that (C)

十二 主語和謂語動詞的一緻性
How close parents are to there children ____ a strong influence on the of the children .
A have B has C having D to have (B)

十三 省略
_____ with the size of the whole earth , the highest mountain does not seem high at all . (90/1)
A When pared B pare C While paring D paring (A)

十四 到裝
She never laughed ,日文翻譯, ____ lose he temper .(90/1)
A or she ever did B nor did she ever C or did she ever D nor she ever did (B)

