








The Quit India speech by Mahatma Gandhi - 英語演講

Before you discuss the , let me place before you one or two things, I want you to understand two things very clearly and to consider them from the same point of view from which I am placing them before you. I ask you to consider it from my point of view, because if you approve of it, you will be enjoined to carry out all I say. It will be a great responsibility. There are people who ask me whether I am the same man that I was in 1920, or whether there has been any change in me. You are right in asking that question.
Let me, however, hasten to assure that I am the same Gandhi as I was in 1920. I have not changed in any fundamental respect. I attach the same importance to non-violence that I did then. If at all, my emphasis on it has grown stronger. There is no real contradiction between the present and my previous writings and utterances.
Occasions like the present do not occur in everybody’s and but rarely in anybody’s life. I want you to know and feel that there is nothing but purest Ahimsa1 in all that I am saying and doing today. The draft of the Working mittee is based on Ahimsa, the contemplated struggle similarly has its roots in Ahimsa. If, therefore, there is any among you who has lost faith in Ahimsa or is wearied of it, let him not vote for this .
Let me explain my position clearly. God has vouchsafed to me a priceless gift in the weapon of Ahimsa. I and my Ahimsa are on our trail today. If in the present crisis, when the earth is being scorched by the flames of Himsa2 and crying for deliverance, I failed to make use of the God given talent, God will not forgive me and I shall be judged un-wrongly of the great gift. I must act now. I may not hesitate and merely look on, when Russia and China are threatened.
Ours is not a drive for power, but purely a non-violent fight for India’s independence. In a violent struggle, a successful general has been often known to effect a military coup and to set up a dictatorship. But under the Congress scheme of things, essentially non-violent as it is, there can be no room for dictatorship. A non-violent soldier of freedom will covet nothing for himself, he fights only for the freedom of his country. The Congress is unconcerned as to who will rule, when freedom is attained. The power, when it es, will belong to the people of India, and it will be for them to decide to whom it placed in the entrusted. May be that the reins will be placed in the hands of the Parsis, for instance-as I would love to see happen-or they may be handed to some others whose names are not heard in the Congress today. It will not be for you then to object saying, “This munity is microscopic. That party did not play its due part in the freedom’s struggle; why should it have all the power?” Ever since its inception the Congress has kept itself meticulously free of the munal taint. It has thought always in terms of the whole nation and has acted accordingly. . .
I know how imperfect our Ahimsa is and how far away we are still from the ideal, but in Ahimsa there is no final failure or defeat. I have faith, therefore, that if, in spite of our shortings, the big thing does happen, it will be because God wanted to help us by crowning with success our silent, unremitting Sadhana1 for the last twenty-two years.
I believe that in the history of the world, there has not been a more genuinely democratic struggle for freedom than ours. I read Carlyle’s French Resolution while I was in prison, and Pandit Jawaharlal has told me something about the Russian revolution. But it is my conviction that inasmuch as these struggles were fought with the weapon of violence they failed to realize the democratic ideal. In the democracy which I have envisaged, a democracy established by non-violence, there will be equal freedom for all. Everybody will be his own master. It is to join a struggle for such democracy that I invite you today. Once you realize this you will forget the differences between the Hindus and Muslims, and think of yourselves as Indians only, engaged in the mon struggle for independence.
Then, there is the question of your attitude towards the British. I have noticed that there is hatred towards the British among the people. The people say they are disgusted with their behaviour. The people make no distinction between British imperialism and the British people. To them, the two are one This hatred would even make them wele the Japanese. It is most dangerous. It means that they will exchange one slavery for another. We must get rid of this feeling. Our quarrel is not with the British people, we fight their imperialism. The proposal for the withdrawal of British power did not e out of anger. It came to enable India to play its due part at the present critical juncture It is not a happy position for a big country like India to be merely helping with money and material obtained willy-nilly from her while the United Nations are conducting the war. We cannot evoke the true spirit of sacrifice and velour, so long as we are not free. I know the British Government will not be able to withhold freedom from us, when we have made enough self-sacrifice. We must, therefore, purge ourselves of hatred. Speaking for myself, I can say that I have never felt any hatred. As a matter of fact, I feel myself to be a greater friend of the British now than ever before. One reason is that they are today in distress. My very friendship, therefore, demands that I should try to save them from their mistakes. As I view the situation, they are on the brink of an abyss. It, therefore, bees my duty to warn them of their danger even though it may, for the time being, anger them to the point of cutting off the friendly hand that is stretched out to help them. People may laugh, nevertheless that is my claim. At a time when I may have to launch the biggest struggle of my life, I may not harbour hatred against anybody.


商務書里語第158講 商務短語

1.Delay the meeting two days.
重點詞語:delay vi.耽誤
商務用語:unreasonable delay 正在理的
delay in payment 延期付款

2.The CEO delegated his assistant to represent him at the meeting.
重點詞語:delegate n,翻譯.代表 vt,翻譯.委派……為代表
商務用語:a delegate to a conference 赴會的代表
delegates without power to vote 缺席代表

3.Supply should rise to meet demand.
重點詞語:demand n.要求;須要;所请求的事物 vt.請求,需要
商務用語:supply and demand 供与供
domestic demand 海內须要

4.It isn't my department.
重點詞語:department n.部门;特長
商務用語:accounting department 筦帳局部
advertising department 广告部
advance department 放款部

5. He put a deposit on a house.
重里詞語:deposit n.存款 vt.存放,沉積
商務用語:bank deposit 銀行存款
demand deposit 活期存款
petty current deposit 小額整存)活期存款



 I am off today.


  一講到上班或是事件, 许多人的直覺反应就是 work, 所以 "我古天不用上班" 這句話說出來很輕易就釀成 "I don't have to work today." 但事实上呢? 老美習慣上會用 off 來代表一小我不用工做, 或是某傢店不開張. 例如 "I am off." 就是我不上班, 而 "We are off today." 則能夠用來指"明天偺們不開張,中翻日."

  She lives off campus.


  這是另外一個用 off 用得很美麗的例子. 中國人剛到好國時經常會把住在校中翻成, live outside the campus. 信赖這也是良多人的通病. 實正在老美就簡簡單單用一個 off campus 便代表校外, on campus 就代表校內. 舉一個簡單的例子, 例如您想跟别人說我要搬進來校外住, 這句話用書里語的說法就是 "I want to move off campus."

  Off my sofa.


  Off 也能夠噹動詞用! 想想你們傢有個小孩跴上沙發上跳啊跳, 你看了會死機, 想要叫他下來要怎樣說呢? 簡簡樸單, 就是 "Off my sofa." 完整的講法實在應噹是 "Keep off my sofa." 或是 "Keep away from my sofa." 但是單講 "Off my sofa." 則是老好非常愛好的用法.

  Tell her the whole thing is off.


  記得有一次跟几個摯友約好了要往打毬, 沒唸到天公不作美, 動身前居然下起大年夜雨來, 這場毬自然是打不成了. 有人要我來告訴别的一小我俬傢毬賽已消除了, 他即是那麼跟我讲的, "Tell her the whole thing is off." 這句話我觉得講得實的是太好了, 由於出念到一件事被與消除了能夠用 be canceled 之外, 居然也能夠用 off. 並且聽來好像更簡略明翻.

[1] ,證書翻譯;[2] 下一頁


【新闻戴注】瑞典離偶棺材 讓逝者正正在音樂中安息

  No rest for the dead with surround-sound coffin


  A Swedish man has designed a coffin with built-in speakers linked to a music playlist that can be updated by the living.

  Music and video equipment store owner Fredrik Hjelmquist said his hi-fi coffin would entertain the dead and provide solace for grieving friends and relatives by making it possible for them to alter the deceased's playlist online,中法互譯.

  "We don't know, right? But then people believe in different ways in different parts of the world," Hjelmquist told Reuters television when he was asked whether a belief in life after death was what would lead someone to buy his coffin.

  "In Sweden perhaps we don't believe in it, but in many parts of the world people believe in a different way," he said.

  He planned to be buried in such a coffin, he added, and would choose opera for his long sleep. He has not sold any of his coffins, but there have been many enquiries, he added.

  The price tag is a hefty 199,000 Swedish crowns ($30,700).

  "We've had an unbelievable amount of inquiries, not so much in Sweden, but many from the United States and Canada, " he said.

  "Ozzy Osbourne should buy one I think or Keith Richards,翻譯. Somebody ought to do it because this is really rock n' roll I think...but at the same time beautiful," he said.




正所謂好集好散, 即使你要辭職, 也要以一種禮貌的方式揹老板提出.

闡明離任原由Reasons for leaving

1. My reason for leaving my present employment is that I am desirous of getting broader experience in trading.

2. My reason for leaving the company is that I wish to get into the advertising business.

3. I am leaving our office to be with my mother and care for my aged mother in a distant city.

4. My reason for leaving my present emplyment is simple because I see no chance of advancement.

5. I am desirous of leaving the office in order to gain more experience in an exporter's office.

6. I am desirous of leaving the employment in order to improve my position and have more responsiblility.

7. I left them a fortnight ago, owing to a disagreement with the president Mr. Lau.

8. I left the position with the desire of improving my position.

9. I left the office on acount of the discontinuance of the business.

10. I left the company because I found a full-time job after graduation.

11. The only reason why I am leaving the present position is I want an object to better myself.

12. Unfortunately I have had to leave my position, as my employers have been forced to liquidate their business due to the worldwide economic adversity.

13.The only reason why I am leaving the present position is to gain more experience in a trading office.

14. My reason for leaving the company is that I wish to get into the advertising business.

15. I left the office on account of the discontinuance of the business.

16. I now wish to enter an office where the work requires greater individual responsibility and judgment than here,and where there is more opportunity for advancement.

17. One reason that I would like to be employed with your firm is that you are dealing with import and export trade.I would look forward to dealing with oversea companies and at the same time having a chance to use English more.


辦公室書里語 第37講 安排減班

Arranging overtime

A: I hate to do this to you, Alice, but I’m going to have to ask you to put in some more overtime.

B: Does it have to be this afternoon, Mr. Fairbanks? I’ve already made plans.

A: Well, I would have preferred to do it today, but if you’ve already made plans, we can do it tomorrow.

B: I’d appreciate that, sir. How long do you think you’ll need me to stay?










  Guilderland, N.Y. - We are concerned about the economy. We worry about the stock market, investments, and retirement. We hesitate to open bank statements. We are told: It will get better. It will get worse. It will rebound.


  How do we cope? We have to make do with less. Lots of articles offer advice: Eat at home. Take the bus. Rearrange, don't redecorate.


  At the heart are these questions: What can you live without? Can we be happy with less? Can we do it when the American way seems to be distilled lately to all about believing that we need and deserve more?


  What I keep thinking about is what it was like when I really did have less.我初終思慮的就是噹我真的擁有的更少的時候是什麼模樣。

  In my 20s I lived in Washington, D.C,英漢翻譯., and made $13,000. I had an apartment and a car. I packed my lunch and saved up to go out for dinner. Was I really as happy as I remember? Yes. Most of us probably were. The reason isn't complicated.


  We wanted less.


  I was proud to be paying rent. I wanted to drive instead of take the bus so making the car payment for my used 1971 VW Beetle was great. I bought clothes on sale or at consignment stores, and when friends moved they passed along furniture they didn't want.


But over time, through reading and traveling and meeting people, I learned about nicer cars and better clothes. I bought into the status symbol they stood for. I began to want a real couch and a newer car and I began to fantasize about someday buying a house. Later my hopes included owning a Subaru and – I laugh to remember this – I thought I'd have the perfect wardrobe when I could buy one (yeah, one) really good purse.




Today, four houses later and many closets filled with shoes and purses, I can feel deprived simply by thinking about making my car last a couple more years. Everything I have now is nicer than what I had at 25, but it's easy to feel poor. Why? Because I have seen – and imagined – better.


  Wealth is relative to desire.


  Every time we yearn for something we can't afford, we become poor – regardless of our resources. It's when we are satisfied with what we have, that we become rich. The hard part is understanding that and adjusting accordingly.


  We know there are nicer things and we see people who have them. For this you can blame television and magazines.我們曉得還有很多更好的事物,总是朝擁有這些的人看齊。為此您總是埋怨電視和雜志。

  Through them, we can see easily what others buy and own and wear. Every new thing whispers its promise of happiness then gradually slides into the background of everyday life. Then we notice that someone else has a different or nicer thing. And we suddenly need it, too. This isn't the same as ambition or reaching for a goal; it's more about tweaking how we think about what we want.



This is why many of us recall feeling better when we were younger. We felt as if we had enough because we hadn't yet begun to compare ourselves with others. We didn't expect that we should have a lot more. It's our expectations that trip us up. We substitute one material desire for another, convinced each time that the next whatever will make us happy. And we then seek out that happiness through spending money.



But what we need is less desire, not more money. There are two ways to make a man richer, writer-philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau reasoned: Give him more money or curb his desires,法文翻譯.

  The solution this year: Expect less and want less. Perhaps the way to sort a real desire from just wanting is to wait a few weeks and see if the want changes. Or maybe to listen carefully to the dialogue inside. Is the inner voice saying "I like this" ... or "They will be impressed"?




商務書里語第134講 年夜眾關聯—保建題目說明

1.Cause of the warranty problem 保建題目标原由
A: What is the root cause of the warranty problem?
B: It was a faulty wire harness. We will fix it for free.
2.Compensation to customers 對客戶的抵償
A: Is there any compensation to customers?
B: Just free repair for the problem.
3.Recall 召回
A: The recall can hurt a company very much,长春藤翻译社.
B: That is why the development engineers need to be very careful.
4.Tire replacement 調換輪胎
A: Have you had the tire replacement?
B: I did,翻譯. It's still under warranty. I paid half of the costs.
5.Warranty scope 保修規模
A: What is your warranty scope for this car model?
B: We only have warranty on power train.




loving person lives in a loving world. A hostile person lives in a hostile world. Everyone you meet is your mirror.
Mirrors have a very particular function. They reflect the image in front of them. Just as a physical mirror serves as the vehicle to reflection, so do all of the people in our lives.
When we see something beautiful such as a flower garden, that garden serves as a reflection. In order to see the beauty in front of us, we must be able to see the beauty inside of ourselves. When we love someone, it’s a reflection of loving ourselves. When we love someone, it’s a reflection of loving ourselves. We have often heard things like “I love how I am when I’m with that person.” That simply translates into “I’m able to love me when I love that other person.” Oftentimes, when we meet someone new, we feel as though we “click”. Sometimes it’s as if we’ve known each other for a long time. That feeling can come from sharing similarities.

Just as the “mirror” or other person can be a positive reflection, it is more likely that we’ll notice it when it has a negative connotation. For example, it’s easy to remember times when we have met someone we’re not particularly crazy about. We may have some criticism in our mind about the person. This is especially true when we get to know someone with whom we would rather spend less time.
Frequently, when we dislike qualities in other people, ironically, it’s usually the mirror that’s speaking to us.
I began questioning myself further each time I encountered someone that I didn’t particularly like. Each time, I asked myself, “What is it about that person that I don’t like?” and then “Is there something similar in me?” in every instance, I could see a piece of that quality in me, and sometimes I had to really get very introspective. So what did that mean?
It means that just as I can get annoyed or disturbed when I notice that aspect in someone else, I better reexamine my qualities and consider making some changes. Even if I’m not willing to make a drastic change, at least I consider how I might modify some of the things that I’m doing.
At times we meet someone new and feel distant, disconnected, or disgusted. Although we don’t want to believe it, and it’s not easy or desirable to look further, it can be a great learning lesson to figure out what part of the person is being reflected in you. It’s simply just another way to create more self-awareness.




【好國習習用語】Lesson 014 - sweeten the pot...

  好國人最遍布的紙牌游戲就是撲克,撲克牌游戲就像牛崽褲一樣存在美國特點。那么,撲克牌游戲是怎樣玩的呢?很簡略,每次游戲開端,在發牌前,每個插手玩撲克的人都在牌桌旁邊放同等數目標錢。發牌噹前,每個人再下賭注。支牌前每一個人拿进来的錢戰發牌後下的賭注都回游戲的得勝者。果為撲克牌游戲在美國人傍邊十分廣氾,因此有良多牌桌上的說話逐渐就成了日經常应用語。例如:Sweeten the pot。Sweeten the pot在牌桌上的意思是把賭注的總數減得下一些,如許能夠對玩游戲的人更有吸引力。可是,這個辭匯已釀成一個平凡用語了。它的意義是:為了使一個提議更有吸引力而在底本的条件基础上再增加一些對對圓有利的条件。偺們來舉個例子看看:

  例句-1: "Miss Smith didn't want the job until the company sweentened the pot by offering her a higher salary and the use of a company car."



  例句-2: "They've built so many new office buildings here that they have trouble renting out all the space. So some landlords sweeten the pot; they offer a company six months free rent if it signs a three-year lease."


  別的一個來自玩撲克牌游戲的詞匯是:The cards are stacked against you。The cards are stacked against you。這句話是說,您處於很不幸的情况下,勝利的機逢很少。上面的例子是說一小我受了騙:


  例句-3: "Last night I got into a poker game with these men I met in the hotel bar. And I lost a thousand dollars before I realized the cards were stacked against me. All I could do was pick up the money I had left and walk away."



  例句-4: "I really wanted to try out for the basketball team when I was in college. But the cards were stacked against me: I'm only five feet six inches tall and everybody else was six-two or even taller."






[1] [2] [3] 下一頁


風趣的英語短語及其掌故――THE LION'S SHARE

he lion's share 這句成語源自《伊索寓止》的一則故事,故事副角是萬獸之王--獅子。那只獅子擅於佃獵,並且十分貪婪,正正在故事中由於不願把獨特打獵的戰利品分給其他伙伴,而用暴力恐嚇錯誤,使自己獨享所有的獵物。因此人們据此發明出了 the lion's share 這句成語。

the lion's share (of something): the largest or best part of sth when it is divided 最大或最好的一份
[例] As usual, the lion's share of the budget is for defence.


the lion's share 直譯是“獅子的那一份”,但為什麼分給“獅子的那一份”是最大的,而不是年夜象或其余的动物呢?這又是一句來自《伊索寓行》的成語。




職場英語 場景19 盤算機



規範一:Better office equipment

It is really exciting news.

What news?

You don’t know? The company is going to replace these old computers with the latest ones,日文翻譯.

You know what we will get?

We will all get a docking station on our own desk from which you can remove your laptop easily. And if you come back to office,翻譯, you just reconnect your laptop with docking station.

What docking station,翻譯?

This is a kind of socket mounted to your desk. The socket has all the wire connections of the company line and all the other office automation equipments, like fax, copier, a screen, printer and scanner, and it will be very convenient.

Another big step forward in saving on our office equipment, I don’t need a desktop anymore. A laptop is enough.

典範兩:Sending e-mails

What’s up?

I guess there is some kind of virus seeking into my computer, I can’t send out this e-mail. Do you have the number of the text port?

Do you mind I have a look at your computer?

Of course not, I appreciate that.

Well, it has nothing to do with virus. The problem is your attachment is a bit larger. It has exceeded the e-mail capacity.

I see. What can I do now?

You can send a compressed one.


【好國習習用語】Lesson 033 - as american as apple

  美國人很愛好吃apple pie。Apple pie是一種用烤箱制作的瘔點古道热肠,它的裏面是一層裏粉,裏面是用蘋果做的餡女。中文有時把apple pie翻成"蘋果排"。美國人喜懽吃apple pie是他們剛從歐洲移居到美洲噹前就開端了。每個傢庭婦女都经常做蘋果排。為懂得釋apple pie是美國生活的一個特征,人們常說:"As American as apple pie." 這句話的意义是:就像蘋果排一樣具備美國特點。上面就是一個例子:

  例句-1: So many Asian restaurants have opened up in Washington that a writer on a daily paper here jokes that dim sum, Japanese sushi and Vietnamese spring rolls have become as American as apple pie.



  好國人跟其他各仄易远族一樣存正在很多特點。除愛吃apple pie以外,美國人有一個很突出的特点即是,他們非常愛好活動,特别是毬賽。良多大年夜壆皆樂意及第好的運發動,給他們獎教金,但是他們得正在讀書的同時花好多時光練毬,参加競賽,為黌捨争光。美國人愛好毬賽是有历史根源的,由於有些毬類活動皆是來源於好國。上里這個例子便闡了然那一面:

  例句-2: Football and baseball are as American as apple pie as they were invented by Americans and played and watched everywhere in this country. Many people would glue to their TV sets whenever there are major competitions.


  美國人也很爱好吃土荳,特别是剛從烤箱裏拿出來的一個個熱水朝天的土荳。下面偺們要介绍的一個鄙諺是: hot potato。大家都曉得hot的意思是熱或燙。Potato就是土荳。熱的土荳誠然好吃,可是它會燙你的腳,您會主张立即甩失踪的。 Hot potato做為鄙諺,它的意思就是一個爭辯很劇烈的問題,纷歧小我樂意為它承噹義務。例如:

  例句-3: The question of whether to raise taxes to cut the budget deficit is a real hot potato for a lot of politicians.



  例句-4: If I were you, I'd drop that client like a hot potato; he's always suing somebody for something, but he usually loses and he doesn't pay his lawyer's bills.



【今日英語】Walking tall 漫步英國鄉下

  vocabulary: countryside 辭匯:都会

  An estimated eight million people in Britain enjoyrambling in the Peak District every year.

  But what many who enjoy outdoor pursuitsdon't know is that their "right to roam" was won by men who sacrificed their own freedom to gain access to the countryside for all.

  In 1932 wealthy landowners had exclusive use of large areas of moorlands for grouse shooting.

  Walkers were kept out by guards, until a group of 400 people from Manchester and Yorkshire, led by Benny Rothman, engaged on a mass trespass. The campaigner was jailed with four other men.

  The event is credited by many with starting a movement that paved the way for the establishment of national parks.

  Mr Rothman died in 2002 but he is now being honoured for his contribution with the unveilingof a blue plaque on his former home in Crofton Avenue, Timperley, Greater Manchester.

  Retired professor, Harry, who followed in his father's footsteps by specialising inenvironmental issues, says: "He was a very optimistic man and he made the best of it when he went to prison. It didn't put him off campaigning, he went on campaigning on environmental issues most of his life."

  Mr Rothman did live to see the Countryside Rights of Way Act passed by Parliament in 2000, ensuring the freedom of the countryside for future generations.

  Roly Smith, a friend of Mr Rothman and an author of walkingguidebooks, said: "It is down to them that we have got what we have today."

  Councillor Jonathan Coupe, of Trafford Council, said: "The honour of having a blue plaque attributed to you means you have really made an impression on society."

  "Mr Rothman contributed to the changing of history and it is because of him that we are able to enjoy the local countryside as often and freely as we can today."

  Quiz 攷試

  1. According to the article, what were large areas of countryside used for by the 1930s?

  2. How will Benny Rothman be honoured?

  3. Is the following statement true, false or not given?Benny Rothman had a son who is interested in the same issues as himself.

  4. What expression in the article means activities carried out in open air?

  5. What word means 'the act of entering into private property without permission'?

  Glossary 詞匯表

  · to ramble漫步

  · outdoor pursuits戶中活動

  · to roam游逛

  · to sacrifice便義

  · a landowner一個地主

  · the moorlands荒野

  · grouse shooting捕獵緊雞

  · a trespass一次犯警進侵

  · to pave the way為某事攤仄途徑

  · a national park一個國度公園

  · to unveil掀開

  · a blue plaque一個藍色牌匾

  · to follow in his father's footsteps逃隨女親的腳印

  · an environmental issue一個情況題目

  · the Act一項法案、法令

  · a guidebook一本觀光指北

  · to be down to (someone)回功於(某人)

  · a councillor一名議員

  · a Council政務會、議會 



Americans who feel bored and underpaid do work hard--at surfing the Internet and catching up on gossip, according to a survey that found US workers waste about 20 percent of their working day。


  An online survey of 2,057 employees by online compensation company Salary.com found about six in every 10 workers admit to wasting time at work with the average employee wasting 1.7 hours of a typical 8.5 hour working day。


  Personal Internet use topped the list as the leading time-wasting activity according to 34 percent of respondents, with 20.3 percent then listing socializing with co-workers and 17 percent conducting personal business as taking up time。


  The reasons why people wasted time were varied with nearly 18 percent of respondents questioned by e-mail in June and July said boredom and not having enough to do was the main reason。


  The second most popular reason for wasting time was having too long hours (13.9 percent), being underpaid (11.8 percent), and a lack of challenging work (11.1 percent)。


  While the amount of time wasted at work seems high, Bill Coleman, chief compensation officer at Salary.com. said the numbers have improved, with the amount of time wasted dropping 19 percent since Salary.com conducted its first annual survey on slacking at work in 2005. Then workers reported wasting 2.09 hours of their working day。

  只筦看起來被揮霍的上班工伕很多,但Salary.com網站的薪資主筦比尒・ 柯我曼讲,從詳細數字上看,情况还是有所改變。自從2005年Salary.com網站首次發展此項一年一度的攷察以往,被浪费的上班時間數下降了19%。其時員工一個事件日華侈的時間為2.09小時。

  "I think (the decline) is really a result of the economy and that there's more business, more work available and less time to sit around wondering what you are going to do with your day," Coleman told reporters。



【英語怎樣讲】第29講: 袒露


WQ: Jessica, 來日我要往心試,得好好裝束裝扮,你幫我顧問顧問?

Jessica:出題目!Show me what you've got.

WQ: 您看這件連衣裙,我穿上挺好麗的,不过,好像有里太露了。對了,這個穿著露出在英語裏要怎樣說呢?

Jessica: You can say this address is showing too much skin.

WQ: Showing too much skin? 我明確了,就是露得太多。

Jessica: Exactly. You can also say someone is scantily clad. Scantily is spelt S-C-A-N-T-I-L-Y, 意思是少,不够;clad is spelt C-L-A-D, 意义是穿衣服。

WQ: 哦!那把兩個詞放在一路就是穿得不足,穿著流露的意義嘍!對了,Jessica, 如果說天熱的時辰穿得太少太薄,是不是是也能夠用scantily clad 呢?

Jessica: Yes! For example, you can say girls who are scantily clad when they go out in the cold weather are at higher risk of getting sick.

WQ: 你是說,大年夜冷天穿得特别少出門的女孩子更輕易傷風。那诚然!不过做女逝世便是這麼辛勞,為了俊秀只能忍著。

Jessica: 實正在也不用那麼辛勞。I know girls want to be pretty, but we don't have to be dressed to kill everyday. Right,英漢互譯?

WQ: Dressed to kill? 要殺人??

Jessica: No! "Dressed to kill" means wearing fancy or formal clothing. 比喻說,I was dressed to kill for my interview.

WQ: 哦,我明白了! Dressed to kill 即是著拆正式、搶眼。哎?你看這條西服裙行不成?It's not showing too much skin.

Jessica: I like this pencil skirt! It's perfect for the interview.

WQ: 本來西服裙叫pencil skirt - 像鈆筆一樣是曲的裙子!好吧, Let me put on this pencil skirt and this shirt. 看看後果若何!

Jessica: (Pause) Hmm! WQ, now you're dressed to kill!


WQ: 第一,描写穿著暴露,能夠用scantily clad, 或 show too much skin;

第兩,穿得正式、搶眼,是dressed to kill;

第三,西服裙是pencil skirt! 


心試經常应用英語書里語(21) 如果你有無窮的時光跟經

Q:If you had unlimited time and financial resources,how would you spend them?

A:Id love to be able to take several executive seminars on financial management that arent geared toward financial experts.Id also love to be able to shut down my department long enough to send everyone through an Outward Boundtype program.Finally,Id probably travel and look at foreign competitors,and enjoy the food along the way.What would you do?





Go scot-free 坦然無恙,逍遙法中

雜志上讀到了這句話:“He has done serious wrong to his friends. You just wait and see. They will not let him go scot-free。” 根据句子間的邏輯關係,“not go scot-free”應該懂得為“不會放過他”或“饒不了他”。不過,順火推來的詞義要不得,“”講究刨根問底、探尋詞源。

乍一看,“scot free”好像战Scot(囌格蘭人)有關——“囌格蘭人免於受罰”或“囌格蘭人被罢黜稅款”?這樣推仿佛也說的通,只不過正統的詞源壆可認公眾的念噹然。

Scot源於古英語sceot,該詞正在噹時指“稅賦”。常說“上有政策,下有對策”,所以,既然有稅支政策,天然有scot-free(逃稅的人)。隨著時間的推移,scot-free(逃稅的人)也便成了“免納稅款; 免受處罰; 免受損害;坦然遁脫;逍遙法中”的代名詞,常跟動詞go/get off/escape連用。

别的,順便提一個與scot(稅賦)相關的短語“pay sb.'s scot and lot”,指的是“還浑債款; 分攤財政負擔”。


大壆英語四六級應試技能年夜放收 - 技能古道热肠得


































President Bush Participates in Meeting on the Peoples Republic of China Earthqu - 英語演講

June 6, 2008

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much, Bonnie, for inviting me here. I'm proud to be here with Secretary of State Rice, Secretary of Treasury Paulson. Ambassador, thank you for being here.

I've just been briefed about how the United States private sector, faith-based munity, NGO munity is responding to what is a horrible human disaster in China -- estimated 70,000 people have died, 18,000 people missing, 15 million people homeless, and the tally is still being counted. There's no question this is a major human disaster that requires a strong response from the Chinese government, which is what they're providing, but it also responds [sic] a passionate response from nations to whom -- that have got the blessings, good blessings of life, and that's us.

I told the folks assembled here that I'm not surprised that the American people have responded to this challenge. And the reason I'm not surprised is we're a passionate, decent nation that cares deeply about a stranger who hurts. And so the response of the -- so far of our American citizens have been unprecedented and unparalleled in its passion.

There will be more work that needs to be done. My message to the Chinese government is, thank you for weling our aid. Thank you for taking a firm response to this disaster, and just know the American people care about the people of China. When a brother and sister hurts, we care about it.

And so that's why our response has been so robust and so passionate to date. I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for showing the great passion of America.

Thank you.

END 11:45 A.M. EDT



N 字頭

A: Why are those people naked?
B: Because they don’t believe in wearing clothes.
a. 1.裸体的,袒露的;2.赤裸裸的,無掩蔽的
A: It seems that some people, namely Fran and Alex, don’t care about the future of the pany.
B: I think you’re being a bit harsh on them.
ad. 即,也便是
A: All people, regardless of nationality, should have a voice in the global economy.
B: That’s an admirable ideal, but it may be hard to put into practice.
n. 國籍,平易近族
A: What do you expect the pany to provide for you?
B: Well, naturally, I’ll need a place to stay.
ad. 1.噹然,天然;2.自然地,生成地
A: What’s the longest job you’ve ever held?
B: I worked on a naval base for twenty years.
a. 海軍的
A: We’re looking for someone with good navigation skills to work on the ship.
B: I think I know just the right person for the job.
n. 1.飞行(壆),帆海(朮),航空(朮);2.導航,領航
A: Why didn’t you join the navy?
B: Because I get seasick whenever I’m on a boat.
n. 海軍
A: I get nervous carrying so much money in my pocket.
B: Why don’t you go to a nearby bank and make a deposit?
a. 四周的
ad. 正在邻近
A: Do you think that everyone should go to college?
B: Not necessarily.
ad. 1.需要地,必须地;2.一定地,必定地
A: Why did you get married?
B: I got married out of necessity, not because I wanted to.
n. 1.必须品;2.须要(性),(急切)须要
of necessity 無法防止地,一定
A: I’ll never learn how to play the piano!
B: Stop being so negative all the time.
a. 1.否认的;2.背面的,消極的
n. (炤片的)負片,底片;2.負數
A: How can you quit your job?
B: I was working so hard that I was beginning to neglect my children.
vt. 1.忽視,疏忽;2.忽视,玩忽
n. 忽视,玩忽
A: If we are unable to negotiate a settlement, then we’ll have to go to trial.
B: Please do your best to negotiate a settlement. because I’d like to avoid a trial.
vt. 1.洽談,協商;2.順利通過,胜利越過
vi. 協商,談判
A: Why don’t we use Negro anymore to refer to Black people?
B: Because it is considered offensive.
n. 乌人
A: Do you like living in such a small neighborhood?
B: Yes, I love being able to know all of my neighbors.
n. 1.四鄰,街坊;2.臨远地區,四周,居平易近點
in the neighborhood of  在...四周,年夜約
A: My sister’s going to have a baby.
B: You’re going to have a nephew!
n. 侄子,中甥
A: Julie has really been getting on my nerves for the past few days.
B: Maybe you should avoid seeing her for a while.
n. 1.神經;2.怯氣,膽量
get on sb’s nerves 惹得或人古道热肠煩
A: Can you see the bird’s nest up in the tree?
B: Yes, and I can see the two baby birds in it!
n. 巢,窩
vi. 築巢
A: Why can’t I check my e-mail?
B: Because the network’s down. It should be back up in a few hours.
n. 1.網狀物;2.廣播網,電視網;3.(電疑與計算機)網絡,網狀係統
A: Do you agree with the pany or the union in the labor dispute?
B: I’m trying to remain neutral this time.
a. 1.中破的,中庸之道的;2.中性的
A: I hate going to work every day.
B: Nevertheless, if you want to support your family, working is something you must do.
ad. 依然,但是,不過
A: My brother’s going out of town, so would it be all right if my niece stayed with us for a few days?
B: Of course it would be all right.
n. 侄女,甥女
A: Why did you wake up screaming in the middle of the night?
B: Because I was having a nightmare.
n. 1.噩夢;2.恐怖的事物,無法擺脫的恐懼
A: When was your first kiss?
B: When I was nineteen.
num. 十九,十九個
A: Did you know that there is more nitrogen than oxygen in the Earth’s atmosphere?
B: I did not know that.
n. 氮
A: Why did you skip class?
B: Because I was tired of listening to the teacher’s nonsense.
n. 1.胡說,廢話;2.莽撞(或輕浮)的止動
A: What are we having for dinner tonight?
B: Noodles with sauce, unless you’d prefer something else.
n. 里條
A: Can I have an extension on my paper?
B: Normally I would say no, but this time I’ll make an exception.
ad. 凡是,畸形天
A: How do we get to your house?
B: Just keep driving north on the highway, and we’ve the first exit into Virginia.
a. 東北的,東北部的,來自東北的
ad. 背東北
A: Where did Don move to ?
B: I’ve heard that he and his wife moved to somewhere in the northeast of the country.
n. 東北(圆),東北部
a. 東北的,東北部的,來自東北的
ad. 向東北
A: Why did you do so poorly on the test?
B: Because I lost the notebook that bad all of my notes for the class in it, and so had no way to study.
n. 筆記簿
A: Is the scar on my face noticeable?
B: Only if I look every closely.
a. 顯而易見的
A: I’m happy to notify you that you’ve won the lottery!
B: How much did I win?
vt. 告诉,告诉,報告
A: Were you surprised by the surprise party?
B: I had a notion that something was going on, but I had no idea that there was going to be a party.
n. 1.概唸,觀唸;2.意圖,主意,(怪)唸頭
A: Is “jump” a noun or a verb?
B: Actually, it can be both.
n. 名詞
A: I hear that you’re writing a novel.
B: It’s really just a short story.
n. (長篇)小說
a. 新穎的,离奇的
A: I feel like my life’s going nowhere.
B: Maybe you need to reevaluate some of your goals.
ad. 任何处所皆不
get nowhere 使無進展,使不克不及胜利
nowhere near 遠遠不,遠不迭
A: Do you think that nuclear power is safe?
B: If it isn’t, we’re all in deep trouble.
a. 1.核子的,核能的,核兵器的;2.焦点的,核心的
A: We need to e up with a few great products to serve as the nucleus for our future development.
B: To do that, we need to hire some quality engineers.
n. 1.(本子)核;2.中心
A: I wish Samantha would stop being such a nuisance.
B: I think you should cut her a little slack; she’s just trying to impress you.
n. 使人討厭的東西(或狀況,行為),討厭的人
A: I noticed that there were numerous mistakes in the report you submitted yesterday.
B: I apologize. I didn’t get much sleep the night before, and did a terrible job on the report.
a. 眾多的,許多的
A: Where does your daughter stay while you’re at work?
B: She stays at a nursery, and I pick her up after work.
n. 1.托兒所,保育室;2.苗圃
A: Why do you wear nylon stockings?
B: Because they keep my legs warm.
n. 僧龍

田徑英語詞匯 - 翻譯詞匯


  Athletics 田徑

  race 跑

  middle-distance race 中長跑

  long-distance runner 長跑運動員

  sprint 长跑 (好做:dash)

  the metre hurdles 米欄

  marathon 馬推紧

  decathlon 十項万能

  cross-country race 越埜跑

  jump 跳躍

  jumping 跳躍運動

  high jump 跳下

  long jump 跳遠 (美語:broad jump)

  triple jump, hop step and jump 三級跳

  pole vault 撐竿跳

  throw 投擲

  throwing 投擲運動

  putting the shot,翻譯, shot put 推鈆毬

  throwing the discus 擲鐵餅

  throwing the hammer 擲鏈錘

  throwing the javelin 擲標槍

  walk 競走







Statement by the President on No Child Left Behind Reauthorization - 英語演講

October 9, 20

THE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon. Thank you all for ing. I want to thank Secretary Spellings for joining me here. And I appreciate you all -- the leaders of the civil rights munity and advocates for minority and disadvantaged students for joining us as well.

We just had a meaningful discussion about our joint mitment to closing an achievement gap that exists in America. We discussed why reauthorizing the No Child Left Behind Act is vital in ensuring that we have a hopeful America. We don't necessarily agree on every issue, but we do agree that education is a basic civil right, and that a good education is important for America.

We agree that our nation has reached a defining moment in our struggle to secure a good education for every child. And we've e a long way since the days when children were simply shuffled through the schools, just moved grade to grade, whether or not they were learning. See, we believe every child can learn. We don't accept a system that simply shuffles children through the schools. We believe in setting high standards. And we believe that by setting high standards we encourage greater results for every child. And now the question is whether or not we will finish the job to ensure that every American child receives a high education -- high-quality education.

Our nation made an historic mitment nearly six years ago when Republicans and Democrats came together to pass the No Child Left Behind Act. The philosophy of the law is this: The federal government will invest in education, and in return, we seek results. Instead of just hoping for the best, we've asked states to set clear standards, and hold schools accountable for teaching every child to read and do math at grade level. That doesn't seem like too much to ask. In return for taxpayers' money, we expect schools and school districts and state to measure, to show us whether or not a child can read at grade level, or do math at a grade level,華碩翻譯社.

And the key to getting good results is measuring. Measuring results helps teachers catch problems early, so children who need help -- extra help can get that help. In other words, you can't determine whether a child needs extra help unless you measure. One of the key ponents of No Child Left Behind it says if a child is falling behind, we will provide supplemental services to help that child catch up. Measuring results empowers parents with valuable about schools, so they can push for change if it's needed. Measuring results means schools are working to close the achievement gap, instead of looking the other way when a student is struggling or falling behind.

No Child Left Behind is helping replace a culture of low expectations with a mitment to high achievement for all. And the hard work being done by principals, teachers, parents and students across our country is producing results. Last month, we learned that 4th graders earned the highest math and reading scores in the history of our Nation's Report Card -- and that's good news. I'm able to report that because we actually measure now in the schools.

We learned that 8th-graders set record highs for math scores. We also learned that scores for minority and poor students, and students with disabilities, are reaching all-time highs in a number of areas. As a result, the achievement gap is beginning to narrow, and the promise of America is expanding for children of all backgrounds. In short, No Child Left Behind is working for all kinds of children in all kinds of schools in every part of the country.

There is more work to be done. So long as there is an achievement gap, we have work to do. Our goal is to have every child reading and doing math at grade level by 2014. That seems reasonable to me. Seems like a reasonable thing to ask, is to have every child reading at grade level by 2014, or being able to do math at grade level by 2014. So now is the time not to roll back the accountability or water down standards.

It's reasonable to set an important goal such as that because as the global economy bees more petitive, a good education will bee even more important for getting a good job. Unfortunately, nearly half of African American and Hispanic students still do not graduate from high school on time. We need to raise the bar for our high schools, as well as for our junior highs and elementary schools. We need to give all our children the skills they need to pete. So I'm going to work with Congress to reauthorize and strengthen the No Child Left Behind Act this year.

My administration has offered several proposals to strengthen this law. By giving local leaders more flexibility and resources, we can help them turn around troubled schools. By giving families with children stuck in low-performing schools the opportunity to choose someplace better, we can raise student achievement. At the same time, we need to increase access to tutoring programs for students who struggle -- and make sure these children get the special help they need. We need to reward good teachers who improve student achievement in low-ine schools. We need to make sure that our country is more petitive and that our children can take advantage of the best jobs this new century has to offer -- by expanding access to advanced placement courses and strengthening math and science education.

As we move forward, we will continue to wele new ideas. And I appreciate the ideas I heard today. Yet there can be no promise on the basic principle: Every child must learn to read and do math at, or above, grade level. And there can be no promise on the need to hold schools accountable to making sure we achieve that goal. I call on members of Congress to e together to pass bipartisan legislation that will help us achieve this goal. By working together, we can raise standards even higher, expand opportunity for all Americans of all backgrounds, and build a future where no child is left behind.

Thank you very much. Thank you all for being here. (Applause.)

END 2:21 P.M. EDT



1.I’m an office worker.

2.I work for the government.

3.I’m happy to meet you.

4.I like your sense of humor.

5.I’m glad to see you again.

6.I’ll call you.

7.I feel like sleeping/ taking a walk.

8.I want something to eat.

9.I need your help.

10.I would like to talk to you for a minute.

11.I have a lot of problems.

12.I hope our dreams e true.

13.I’m looking forward to seeing you.

14.I’m supposed to go on a diet / get a raise.

15.I heard that you’re getting married. Congratulations.

16.I see what your mean.

17.I can’t do this.

18.Let me explain why I was late.

19.Let’s have a beer or something.

20.Where is your office?

21.What is your plan?

22.When is the store closing?

23.Are you sure you can e by at nine?

24.Am I allowed to stay out past 10?

25.The meeting was scheduled for two hours, but it is now over yet.

26.Tom’s birthday is this week.

27.Would you care to see it/ sit down for a while?

28.Can you cover for me on Friday/help me/ tell me how to get there?

29.Could you do me a big favor?

30.He is crazy about Crazy English.

31.Can you imagine how much he paid for that car?

32.Can you believe that I bought a TV for $25?

33.Did you know he was having an affair/cheating on his wife?

34.Did you hear about the new project?

35.Do you realize that all of these shirts are half off?

36.Are you mind if I take tomorrow off?

37.I enjoy working with you very much.

38.Did you know that Stone ended up marrying his secretary?

39.Let’s get together for lunch.

40.How did you do on your test? 

41.Do you think you can e?

42.How was your weekend ?

43.Here is my card.

44.He is used to eating out all the time.

45.I’m getting a new puter for birthday present.

46.Have you ever driven a BMW?

47.How about if we go tomorrow instead?

48.How do you like Hong Kong?

49.How do you want your steak?

50.How did the game turn out?

51.How did Mary make all of her money?

52.How was your date?

53.How are you doing with your new boss?

54.How should I tell him the bad news?

55.How much money did you make? 

56.How much does it cost to go abroad?

57.How long will it take to get to your house?

58.How long have you been here? 

59.How nice/pretty/cold/funny/stupid/boring/interesting.
60.How about going out for dinner?

61.I’m sorry that you didn’t get the job.

62.I’m afraid that it’s not going to work out.

63.I guess I could e over.

64.Is it okay to smoke in the office?

65.It was kind of exciting.

66.I know what you want.

67.Is that why you don’t want to go home?

68.I’m sure we can get you a great / good deal.

69.Would you help me with the report?

70.I didn’t know he was the richest person in the world.

71.I’ll have to ask my boss/wife first.

72.I take it you don’t agree.

73.I tried losing weight, but nothing worked.

74.It doesn’t make any sense to get up so early.

75.It took years of hard work to speak good English.

76.It feels like spring/ I’ve been here before.

77.I wonder if they can make it.

78.It’s not as cold / hot as it was yesterday.

79.It’s not his work that bothers me; it’s his attitude.

80.It sounds like you enjoyed it.

81.It seems to me that be would like to go back home.

82.It looks very nice.

83.Is everything under control?

84.I thought you could do a better job.

85.It’s time for us to say “No” to America.

86.The show is supposed to be good.

87.It really depends on who is in charge.
88.It involves a lot of hard work.

89.That might be in your favor.

90.I didn’t realize how much this meant to you.

91.I didn’t mean to offend you.

92.I was wondering if you were doing anything this weekend.

93.May I have your attention., please?

94.This is great golfing / swimming/ picnic weather.

95.Thanks for taking me the movie.

96.I am too tired to speak.

97.Would you tell me your phone number?

98.Where did you learn to speak English?

99.There is a TV show about AIDS on right now.

100.What do you think of his new job/ this magazine?


offend v.使...惱火;搪突, 觸犯
Don't be offended I am just fooling around. ;別惱水,我只是在開打趣.
People who are too straightforward in speech easily offend others. ;說話太直爽的人 很轻易触犯别人.
impress vt.給人留下印象, 有目共睹; (~on)印,蓋印
Premier Zhu Rongji always impressed the journalists at every news conference ;墨容基總理在每次 記者接待會上給記 者們留下深入印象
with his eloquence and wit. ;以能言善辯且才情火速、 言語詼諧.
(Journalists were always impressed by Premier Zhu's eloquence and wit ;朱容基總理以能言擅辯 且才情迅速、言語詼諧 給記者們留下深入印象
at every news conference.) ;在每次記者接待會上
impression n.印象;印記,壓痕
Vivian Leigh's excellent acting in the motion picture Gone With The Wind ;費雯麗在電影 《亂世才子》 (《飄》)中
has made an indelible impression on movie fans all over the world. ;杰出的演出給齐毬影迷 留下了不行磨滅的印象.
impressive a.印象深入的,动人的
"The Gettysburg Address",Abraham Lincoln's most impressive speech, ;《葛底斯堡演說》 是林肯最感人肺腑 的演說,
concisely expressed many of the ideals and principles of democracy. ;它簡明天闡述了平易近主 的幻想和原則.
bother v.煩擾,打擾,煩惱, n.麻煩
I hate to bother you but could you help me scratch my back again? ;我不想煩你的,可是你 能再幫我抓一下揹上的 癢嗎?
What a bother! ;你真煩!
No,not me. It's the fleas. ;不,不是我煩,是跳蚤.
interfere vi.(~ with)妨礙, 打擾; (~ in)乾涉,乾預
It's impolite to call people in the middle of the night ;三更深夜打電話給 人傢是不禮貌的,
because you interfere with their sleep. ;果為您擾人浑夢.
The U.S. is often accused of ;好國經常被指責
interfering in the internal affairs of other countries. ;坤涉他國內政.
range v.在...範圍內變化; 摆列成止;彷徨 n.組开,係列;範圍,領域 山脈
The temperature in Kunming usually ranges between 15C and 25C, ;崑明的氣溫凡是在15 到25懾氏度之間,
that's why it is called "the Spring City". ;所以被稱為“春城”.
I have a wide range of interests. ;我有廣氾的興趣愛好.
The Alps are long stretches of mountain ranges ;阿尒卑斯山是 延綿的山脈,
mostly located in Switzerland,France, and Italy. ;重要位於瑞士、 法國、意大利.
differ vi.(~ from)和...差别 (~ with/from) 與...意見分歧
Human differ from animals because of their ability to speak and use tools. ;人類和其余動物不同, 在於他會說話和會使 用东西.
I am afraid I differ from you in this matter. ;在這件事件上我生怕 與你意見不同.
difference n.差異,不合
Both Bill Gates and Richard Lee are tycoons in the IT industry, ;比尒.蓋茨和李澤楷 是疑息技朮產業巨頭
although neither of them finished college. ;雖都沒实现大壆壆業
However,this does not mean that higher education does not make a difference. ;但是,這不等於說 高级教导並不主要.
separate v.(使)分離,分開;分家 a.分離的,分開的; 不同的
Theory should by no means be separated from practice. ;理論絕不應脫離實際.
take v.拿,帶;做某動作; 埰与,接收; 需求;認為
How can you make progress if you can't take criticism? ;如果蒙受不住批評, 你怎能進步呢?
What does it take to bee a TV host/ hostess? ;要噹電視節目主持人 须要具備什麼條件?
I will take up journalism after graduation. ;畢業後我將從事 新聞事情.
bare a.空的,赤裸的, 光禿的,稀疏的 vt.露出,裸露
There's nothing to be surprised at ;沒什麼好大驚小怪的
if you see some boys playing basketball bare to the waist. ;看見一些男孩子袒露 著上身打籃毬.
vacant a.空的,已被佔用的
It's hard to find a vacant post with such a high unemployment rate nowadays. ;現在掉業率那麼下, 很難找到空職位.
Is the lavatory vacant? ;廁所沒有人用吧?
hollow a.空的,中空的, 空泛的;空虛的 v.挖空,鑿空
The trunk of a palm tree is hollow. ;棕櫚樹的樹乾是 中空的.
Some people think that playing cards seems a hollow pleasure. ;有人認為打牌是 一種無聊的消遣.
blank a.空缺的,空著的; 失容的,無脸色的 n.空格;表格
My mind was a plete blank when I had to fill in the blanks on the test paper. ;噹我得在試卷上挖空的 時候,腦子卻完整一片 空缺.
relate vt.敘述,講述; 使相互關聯; vi.(~to)和...有關; 與...和气相處
In court,a witness must honestly relate what has been seen. ;法庭上,目擊者必須 如實講述所目击的一 切.
Freudianism relates what happened in one's childhood to his present state of mind. ;弗洛伊德精力剖析壆說把 一個人童年發死的事战他 今朝的思维狀況聯係起來
Happiness does not always relate to wealth. ;倖祸不總與財富相關.
as prep.作為,噹做 ad.同樣地 conj.在...的同時, 犹如...那樣,以..方法
As for your department's plan, you can change it as you wish. ;至於你們部門的計劃, 你願意怎麼改就怎麼 改吧.
relation n.聯係;親屬
Researches show there is a relation between smoking and lung cancer. ;研讨表白肺癌 跟吸煙有關.
Friendly relations between two countries are based on ;兩國間的友爱 關係树立在
mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity. ;對主權和領土完全 相互尊敬的基礎上.
owing to prep.由於,因為
Owing to the blizzards,our trip to Inner Mongolia was cancelled. ;由於有大風雪,我們 撤消了往內受古的行 程.
regard n.關古道热肠,注重;敬佩; [p (~s)問候, v.(~ as)把...看做; 重視,留神,留心;攷慮
A self-centered person shows little regard for the feelings of others. ;自我為核心的人僟乎 不顧及別人的情感.
Please give my regards to your father. ;請代我問候令尊.
Bach is regarded as the Father of Music. ;巴赫被視為 “音樂之女”.
idle a.空閑的;嬾集的; 無用,無傚 vt.虛度 vi.嬾散,閑逛
Many people were idle during the depression. ;在蕭條時期, 良多人都無事可做.
Don't idle away your youth! ;不要虛度芳华年華!
Every Saturday I idle my time going to movies. ;每個礼拜六我皆把時間 消磨在看電影上.
An idle person may like to idle away the hours surfing the Internet. ;無所事事的人能够會 喜懽把時間耗費在網 絡沖浪上.
indifferent a.冷漠,不關心
How can you be indifferent to the sufferings of people who are starving? ;你對忍飢挨餓的人 所受的瘔難怎麼能 漠不關心?
inevitable a.不成防止的, 必定要發生的
Death is inevitable, which is why we should value and love life. ;人必有一逝世,所以我們 要爱护和熱愛性命.
poverty n.貧窮,貧困
In some rural areas, ;在一些農村地區
people live in poverty because of the poverty of the soil. ;因為泥土貧沃而過 著貧窮的生涯.
vigorous a.精神抖擞的, 強壯的;有力的
The best way to keep ourselves in shape is to do some vigorous exercise every day. ;坚持好身体最好的辦法 就是天天進行健體強身 的運動.
basket n.籃子,簍
Women of some minorities ;一些少數平易近族的女子
carry their child in bamboo baskets on their backs. ;用揹上的竹簍來 揹孩子.
lazy a.嬾散的,嬾惰的
I'm not a lazy bone; Saturday is my only day to relax. ;我不是個嬾鬼. 礼拜六是我唯一 的閑散的日子.
alike a.雷同的,念像的 (只作表語用)
Twins don't necessarily look alike. ;雙胞胎的面貌不 必定相像.
battery n.電池(組); 炮兵連,炮組
Cell phones use rechargeable batteries. ;脚機用充電池工作.
bargain n.廉價貨;(買賣雙方的) 买卖,協議 vt.&vi.議價,討價還價
Twenty for a Giordano coat? What a bargain! ;两十塊一件佐丹仆年夜衣? 实廉价!
What a waste of time to bargain for everything! ;買什麼都要討價還價, 多浪費時間.
store n.商铺;儲存;倉庫 vt. & vi.存儲, 儲躲,儲備
Small articles of daily use ;小件日用品
are usually sold cheaper in convenience stores than in big department stores. ;方便店比大百貨市肆賣得 廉价.
A puter can store and remember a great deal of . ;計算機能儲存並 記憶大批的信息.
reserve vt.保存,保留;預定 n.儲備(物);保存, (行語,行為)勾謹,自持; 天然保護區
All rights reserved. ;版權一切.
You had better reserve your ment before you are clear about everything. ;在弄清所有之前, 最好保存(不要發表) 你的評論.
If you are not on a package tour during the peak tourist time, ;假如說在游览顶峰期 不參减观光團,
you must reserve tickets and hotel rooms before you go. ;你便必須在出發前 預定好票和旅館房間.
Foreign exchange reserves jumped. ;中匯儲備大幅度删長.
A reserved man seldom shows his emotions. ;噤若寒蝉的人 難得暴露感情.
The national parks in the U.S. ;美國的國傢公園
are at the same time nature reserves for wild plants and animals. ;同時就是埜生動动物 的做作保護區.?
supply vt. & vi.供应,供應 n.供應(量)
Factories and panies that don't supply the market with new products ;不背市場供给 新產品的廠商
will be eliminated sooner or later. ;遲早會被裁减.
Japan is dependent upon other countries for their material supply. ;日本正在本料供應圆里 要依附別的國傢.
provision n.供给,供應;准備, n.部署;條款,規定 [p給養,心糧
Provision of shelter was the Red Cross's main concern for the disaster victims. ;為災民供给避難處是 紅十字會的首要工作.
Those who spend all their money ;那些把錢都花光
and make no provision for the future are short-sighted. ;那些把錢都花光而不為未 來做任何准備的人是眼光 短淺的.


翻譯:魔鬼的辯護士:devils advocate

現代中文风行应用曲譯英文的詞語,翻譯,我們每天聽見的“正面”、“負里”都是例子。另外一個惡例是“魔鬼的辯護士”(devil's advocate)。這個詞,良多人皆誤以為是指替匪贼地痞騙子等等辯護的無賴。*** ***,就有人叫這位婆婆做“魔鬼的辯護士”,却不知devil's advocate完整不是那個意义。

按從前上帝教中樞要逃启逝世者做聖徒,會先開庭辯論。辯論時,羅馬教庭指定的一名“天主辯護士”(God's advocate)負責推重死者,一位“魔鬼辯護士”(Devil's advocate)則負責列舉死者的缺點加以反對。追封與可噹然要看辯論結果而定了。後來,人們便用devil's advocate一詞來說愛抬槓的人,或為了測試計畫、論据等而决心尋其破绽减以質疑的人,例如:

To prepare him for the trial,his lawyer played the devil's advocate and asked him some biting questions.


同聲傳技能探討 - 翻譯理論

  英、漢語的語序差別很大,這就給口制成了較大困難。例如:Japan surrendered in after Americans dropped two atom bombs。同聲傳時,往往是剛剛出前半句"日本人在年降服佩服了",接著又出現了後半"好國人投了兩顆原子彈後"。在這種情況下,假如員已按英文語序出,只好把句子从新組合,再重復說一遍。但這又顯得程度不下。如何處理好呢?以下二種法无妨試一試。第一種:員不要接得太緊,而是等講話的人將大局部句子說出後,再開初。然则,在疾速的同聲傳中,常常等不了這樣長的時間。這樣,我們可以埰与第二種法:將一個句子斷為二、三個簡單句,在簡單句之間,適噹補充一些字、詞,把它們有機地聯結起來。上述例句可以成:"日自己屈膝投降了,那是在年,在這之前,美國人投了兩顆原子彈。"這樣,雖然不完善,但是重要意思都出來了,并且句子也比較通順。
  英語经常使用被動語態,相對來說,漢語則多用主動語態。领会這一點,在互時,就會避免出英文式的中文,或中文式的英文。例如:In some of the uropean countries the people ar e given the biggest social benefit such as medical insurance.
which, that取代主詞战賓語,因此使句子變得很長。而中文則不怕重復利用统一詞語。例如:That is the single monetary policy which will be discussed at the next uropean Union Conference. 這裏,英文中為了防止在第两句話中重復single monetary policy,將其簡化成一個which,並將兩個句子开為一句復合句。在成中文時,可以不怕重復,為"那就是單一的貨幣轨制,這個貨幣轨制將鄙人一屆歐洲聯盟會議上進止討論。"
How can the uropean Union contribute to the development of a uropean film and television programme industry which is petitive in the would market, forward looking and capable of radiating the influence of uropean culture an d of creating jobs in urope?
  中國員的特點是記憶力強,然而,广泛存在的不敷之處是對英語詞語之間的細微差別,正在懂得上有所完善。因而在時,经常是粗心皆過往了,可是卻丟失落了發言人用詞的奥妙之處,顯得比較僵硬,有時,乃至果為不懂得詞義的細微差別而導緻意义上的严重差別。例若有的員一聽到"關心",馬上便為"be concerned about"。" 我們對中國的四化建設進展十分關古道热肠"這句話,曾有人為:"We are very much concerned about the development of Chin's Four Modernization."豈不知英文裏"concern"一詞帶有"worry"之意,選用此詞,給人一種錯覺,認為講話人對中國的四化建設非常擔憂。此處應選用"be interested"或"follow closely"。再例若有很多人在"問題"一詞上也易出錯。英文裏,"問題"能够用"question"、"issue"或"problem"等詞表達。但在心時,必定居心體會高低辞意思,體會這僟個詞的詞意差異,才不緻於犯錯誤。在一次會議上,發行人說:"上面,我給年夜傢簡單介紹一下有關中國婦女權力的問題。"這句話裏的"問題"實際上是指"topic",但員卻為"women's
right problem in China",這是極端錯誤的法。講話人本意只是轉換一個話題,但由於誤,使聽眾認為將要討論一下中國婦女權力面存在的問題。是以,作為員,應該儘量創造機會,儘可能地接收各類與英語語言相關的知識,应用聽、說、讀、寫各種法,熟习英語的習慣表達法,體會詞義之間的細微差別,以供臨場擔任同聲傳時,能做出確、快捷的反應。


President Bush Meets with Prime Minister Blair of the United - 英語演講

9:26 A.M. (Local)

PRIME MINISTER BLAIR: Well, obviously, this is a summit where we'll be discussing two crucial issues. One is the change in the climate and the actions that we need to take in order to address that. And I think this is a very substantial ing together around the need to make sure that we have a substantial reduction in emissions and find the right process and the right way that we can achieve that.

And I think with the President's speech last week this has moved the situation on a great deal. I think there is a real desire to e together. I think everyone wants to be part of a post-Kyoto deal, everyone wants to try and make sure that that is a deal that's got to be, that includes all the major emitters. And everyone wants to make sure that that deal can then mand broad agreement right across the international munity and deliver what people want to see -- both for reasons of the environment and for reasons of energy security.

However, I think both myself and the President are very concerned, as well, to make sure that we do not simply focus on climate change -- we've also got to focus on remitting ourselves to the Gleneagles process on Africa, on making major steps forward there in relation to things like HIV/AIDS and education. In addition to that, of course, there's the situation in Darfur, where we both are anxious that there is strong action taken. And then we've also managed to have a word, too, about the world trade talks which we want to see reach a successful conclusion.

So, I mean, there's still obviously a lot of talking and discussing going on, and we're about to go in for the main session now. But I do feel, myself, that people are ing together, and I think that's important.

PRESIDENT BUSH: Good start there.


PRESIDENT BUSH: You know, we had a press conference in the Rose Garden where, you know, it was the last time on U.S. soil I'll be standing next to the Prime Minister talking about what we believe and how our efforts are going to lead to peace and to a better world for a lot of people. This is the last meeting I will have had with him as Prime Minister. It's a nostalgic moment for me; I'm sorry it's e to be, but that's what happens in life. We'll move on.

Tony said we talked about global climate change. I told him in Washington, and I remitted myself today, that the United States will be actively involved, if not taking the lead, in a post-Kyoto framework, post-Kyoto agreement. I view our role as a bridge between people in Europe and others and India and China. And if you want them at the table, it's important to give them an opportunity to set an international goal. And that's why I laid out the initiative I laid out.

And I told Tony that we're deadly earnest in getting something done; this is serious business. And the fundamental question is how best to send proper signals to create the technologies necessary to deal with this issue. And as we discuss global climate change, it's really important we don't forget those who are dying. And I appreciate this man's mitment to global AIDS -- fighting global AIDS. We do that ourselves; laid out a $30 billion initiative. I'm very proud of the United States citizens for supporting such an initiative.

Over the past three years,翻譯, anti-retroviral drugs has been extended from -- to over a million people, up from 50,000. So it's important to debate the environment and discuss it. It's also important for those of us who have got the wealth to put it to use to save lives. The malaria initiative we talked about is a really important initiative, and I hope that countries here at the G8 join Great Britain and the United States in saving lives that can be saved in a pretty easy way. It just takes will, focus and effort.

We did discuss Darfur. I'm frustrated, but the international organizations can't move quickly enough. I don't know how long it's going to take for people to hear the call to save lives. I will be stressing, along with Tony, the need for nations to take action. If the U.N. won't act, we need to take action ourselves, and I laid out a series of sanctions that I think hopefully will affect Bashir's behavior. But enough is enough in Darfur.

We talked about Doha. We're mitted to doing a deal in Doha. If you're interested in alleviating poverty around the world, then they ought to be joining and making the necessary concessions to have a global trading system that helps affect the poor.

So I've e with a broad agenda and a serious agenda, and so has the Prime Minister. And it's been a good, meaningful discussion, as usual. We'll answer one question apiece, then we've got to go get our picture taken.

Q Mr. President, you've said it's important to set an international goal. How long does the world have to wait for America to set a goal that others can measure of how much you're cutting greenhouse gasses by?

And Prime Minister, if I could ask you about another matter: Were you aware that your government was approving payments to a friend of President Bush's as part of British Aerospace's kickback system, and is that why you suspended a fraud inquiry?

PRESIDENT BUSH: Glad you're answering that question. (Laughter.) A friend of mine. (Laughter.)

PRIME MINISTER BLAIR: On the point you asked me -- let me make one thing very clear: I'm not going to ment on the individual allegations. And a lot of this, of course, relates to things that go back to the 1980s.

But let me just make one thing very, very clear to you: This investigation, if it had gone ahead, would have involved the most serious allegations and investigations being made of the Saudi royal family, and my job is to give advice as to whether that is a sensible thing, in circumstances where I don't believe the investigation (inaudible) would have led anywhere, except to the plete wreckage of a vital strategic relationship for our country in terms of fighting terrorism, in terms of the Middle East, in terms of British interests there. Quite apart from the fact that we would have lost thousands -- thousands -- of British jobs.

So I totally understand why you guys have got to do your job, but I've got to do mine. And mine is sometimes taking these decisions about what I believe to be in the strategic interests of our country, and holding to it. And that's what I've done.

PRESIDENT BUSH: Greenhouse gasses declined last year in the United States, in spite of the fact that our economy grew. Not many countries can make that claim. In other words, we're taking steps necessary to be good stewards of the environment, at the same time, advance technologies. Our record is a strong record. We've spent billions of dollars on technologies necessary to make us less dependent on foreign sources of oil, and at the same time, good stewards of the environment.

Secondly, as I proposed, that by the end of 2008 the world's emitters of greenhouse gasses should e together and set an international goal. Nothing is going to happen, in terms of substantial reductions, unless China and India are participating. And so it is our role to serve as a bridge between people who have got one point of view about how to solve greenhouse gases, and about how to get the developing nations, such as China and India, to the table.

In the meantime, we'll move forward with a very aggressive agenda. I don't know if you followed my speeches in the United States, but I said we'll reduce gasoline usage by 20 percent over the next 10 years. And the way you do that is through technologies and ethanols and battery technologies, and I'm convinced we'll meet that goal. And in so doing, we'll be, yet again, a world leader when it es to new technologies.


Q Thanks. Last night, the Russians said again -- Putin's spokesman said again that everything they've heard from you and from your staff about missile defense has left them unconvinced. Is there -- what can you say to President Putin today that's maybe different or more specific than what we've heard so far that might change his mind?

PRESIDENT BUSH: Well, I mean, the -- I'm looking forward to my meeting with Vladimir Putin. A missile defense system cannot stop multiple launch regimes. In other words, the facts are, is that -- the fact is this: that you can't stop two, three, four, five missiles. And, therefore, I will explain to him once again that a missile defense system is aimed at a rogue regime that may try to hold Russia and/or Europe and the United States hostage. I think the best thing for me to do is just talk about the facts.

Secondly, it is important for Russia and Russians to understand that I believe the Cold War ended, that Russia is not an enemy of the United States, that there's a lot of areas where we can work together -- for example, in Iran or areas of proliferation. There's a lot of constructive work we can do.

And so I'm looking forward to my dialogue with Vladimir Putin this afternoon. It's hopefully an attempt to find other areas where we can work together and make sure our rhetoric doesn't cause concern in our respective countries and here in Europe. He can be -- he doesn't have to be viewed as an enemy, see. And the missile defense system should say, we can work together. I actually think that Russia ought to participate with us. If it's aimed at dealing with a rogue regime, then it makes sense for Russia to say, let's join, let's share technologies.

And so I will reiterate the proposal we made, and that's, send your generals to the United States, send your scientists to the United States, and we'll share -- share our vision. And hopefully that will help. Hopefully, the visit this afternoon will make it clear that we have no animosity, we bear no ill will. We're simply trying to deal with the true threats of the 21st century. And I repeat, Russia is not a threat. They're not a military threat. They're not something that we ought to be hyperventilating about. What we ought to be doing is figuring out ways to work together.

Thank you all.

END 9:38 A.M. (Local)



  1995年6月之前,四級聽力題只有對話和短文題型。 同年,國傢4、六級攷試委員會推出聽寫填空的新題型。

  1997年6月14日,齐國四級統攷初次埰用復合式聽寫pound dictation代替原Part I, Section B的3篇短文。


  第一局部有七個空格,讀時略停頓,因而要抓緊時間。别的,所缺單詞请求挖exact word (not your own word),并且每空一詞。再有,所填單詞个别為名詞、動名詞、描述詞或副詞。
  第二部分由三處較長的空缺,每空缺應填兩句左右。有時每句都很長,且都是復雜句。填時可用exact words或your own words。值得留意的是:若是不克不及完整聽出原文,只知要寫出要點亦可。










  2.寫作技能:英文短篇的尾句凡是為topic sentence,留神此句的理解有助於聽出下文空白

  3.Key word通過關鍵詞可預測谜底






新英語四六級復習備攷若何捉住變化趨勢 - 技能心得






  新四級總體難度適中,雖是新題型,仍承襲了老四級聽力場景規律。比方短對話部门的教学場景等。長對話分歧於同年6 月24 日的長對話題,場景預測偏偏難,但問題比較簡單,基础上合乎“聽到什麼選什麼”的規律。

  新六級聽力短對話部份攷點和出題方法都與老六級如出一轍,長對話名副其實,從語行結搆和內容看是把短對話推長了,而短文部门攷了傳記、社科類的文章,對好的攷生來說難度不大。稍有難度的是復开式聽寫,攷的是對於嬰兒智力發展的新研讨。新六級的趨勢是強調聽力主要性,分值從20% 回升到35% 。聽力總體難度其實跟老六級區別不大,但由於復合式聽寫和漫笔都出現了,同時又增添了聽力時長,所以攷生广泛反应聽力變難了。因而備攷時,攷生應减大聽力訓練,從語音、意群和文明三個層面冲破。


  新四級的疾速閱讀部门,文章自身長度是 1200 字摆布,給了15 分鍾時間,答复後里的10 個題目。這须要攷死具備較快的閱讀速度和控制必定的解題技能。据新東圆老師總結,谜底的出現順序根本上按炤止文順序,此次攷題也不破例,一切題目谜底的出現順序皆顺次摆列,沒有前後顛倒。





  此次新四級攷試綜合部分攷的仍然是完型填空。這是詞匯題撤消帶來的連鎖傚應:詞匯攷點只能轉移到完型填空部分。仔細研讨完型填空的選項,題目難度和攷查範圍與客岁 6 月的新四級完型填空十分類似。远義詞和形近詞的攷查佔到了20 題裏的10 題,與老四級比拟有了大幅上降。其他是對簡單虛詞的攷查,个别通過高低文的關係便能選出答案。






1995  2000  
1萬人  近4萬 12萬以上


  From the table, we can see that in the past 10 years, the number of people in a given city who have gone traveling abroad has increased considerably. Especially in the recent 5 years, the figure has been more than tripled, surging from 40,000 to 120,000.

  There are several reasons for the change. Firstly, with the development of economy, more and more people bee better off. And their ability to finance their trip abroad is growing. Secondly, tourism has greatly developed over the decade. Travel agencies offer not only domestic packages but also travel specials abroad. In addition, individuals today are expected and encouraged to go outside to widen their horizon and to face the real world of globalization,英漢翻譯. In this way they hope to keep themselves informed of what is going on around the world.

  From the changes reflected in the table, we can predict that the number of individuals going out of the country will boost. This encouragingly and inevitably facilitates the cultural exchange between ours and the rest of the world and this trend will be irreversible.

Have cold feet 打退堂饱


這種情況,起首能够會讓人聯念到袒露在中“冰涼”的腳趾(也有點牽強,比方日光下,腳說不定會熱呢);再之,遭受“壞鞋”事务的人是否是大為尷尬,曲想找個天洞躲一躲?根据詞源解析,have cold feet(膽怯;打退堂鼓)確實是由以上兩種聯想演變而來的。

舉個例子,看看have cold feet描述“逃窜新娘”時最為經典的一句話:

The bride got cold feet just before the wedding and ran off.(便正在婚禮開初之前,新娘打了退堂饱,溜了。)


President Bush Meets with Military Service Organizations - 英語演講

February 28, 20

2:12 P.M. EST

THE PRESIDENT: One of the most enjoyable things I do as the President is to hear stories of my fellow citizens -- stories of passion, stories of care. I just talked to social entrepreneurs who have decided to help improve the lives of our servicemen and women and their families. There are some remarkable acts of kindness by people who have taken it upon themselves to serve their country by helping a neighbor in need. Whether it be helping the chaplains help kids, or whether it be helping a family of the injured, whether it be working at Walter Reed or supporting troops getting ready to go into bat, these good men and women really represent the very best of America.

I ask my fellow citizens to support our troops and their families. There are all kinds of ways you can find out how to do so. AmericaSupportsYou.mil, for example, is a website that if you really do want to participate like these citizens have, that you can find a way to contribute your time or your money, your talents, to really send a message that America supports these brave volunteers who are out defending their country in the war on terror.

So I thank you all for joining us. It's been my great pleasure to hear from you. I'm proud to be the President of a country with so many decent citizens.

Vice President Joe Biden “Time to put middle class front and center” - 英語演講

Time to put middle class front and center
By Vice President Joe Biden
January 30, 2009

For years, we had a White House that failed to put the middle class front and center in its economic policies.

President Barack Obama has made it clear that is going to change. And it's why he's asked me to lead a task force on the middle class.

America's middle class is hurting. Trillions of dollars in home equity and retirement savings and college savings are gone. And every day, more and more Americans are losing their jobs,翻譯.

For the backbone of America, it's insult on top of injury. Over the course of America's last economic expansion, the middle class participated in very few of the benefits. But now in the midst of this historic economic downturn, the middle class sure is participating in all of the pain. Something is seriously wrong when the economic engine of this nation - the great middle class - is treated this way.

President Obama and I are determined to change this. Quite simply, a strong middle class equals a strong America. We can't have one without the other.

An economy for all Americans

Right now, our most urgent task is to stabilize our economy and put it back on track. That is what our economic recovery package moving through the Congress is all about. We need to make these critical investments to jumpstart our economy.

On top of this urgent task, though, we have an important long-term task as well. Once this economy starts growing again, we need to make sure the benefits of that growth reach the people responsible for it. We can't stand by and watch as that narrow sliver of the top of the ine scale wins a bigger piece of the pie - while everyone else gets a smaller and smaller slice.

One of the things that makes this task force distinctive is it brings together - in one place - those agencies that have the most impact on the well-being of the middle class in our country. We'll be looking at everything from access to college and training with the Department of Education, to business development with the Department of merce, to child care reform with Health and Human Services, to labor law with the Department of Labor. With this task force, we'll have a single, high-visibility group with one goal: To raise the living standards of middle-class families.

Over the uping months, we will focus on answering those concerns that matter most to families. What can we do to make retirement more secure? How can we make child and elder care more affordable? How do we improve workplace safety? How are we going to get the cost of college within reach? What can we do to help weary parents juggle work and family? And, above all else, what are the jobs of the future? Here, we'll be looking at green jobs, better-paying jobs, better-quality jobs.

Open to the public

At the end of the day, it will be our responsibility to offer clear, specific steps we can take to meet these concerns and others.

Unlike some previous government task forces, our taskforce will operate in a fully transparent manner. We will consult openly and publicly with outside groups who have thought long and hard about these issues and can help us bring the most far-reaching and imaginative solutions to these problems. All the materials from our meetings, and any report we produce, will be up on our public website. None of this will happen behind closed doors.

In government, as in life, you need clear goals to succeed. In the Obama/Biden administration, we have set a very clear goal: Our administration will have succeeded if the middle class once again starts to share in the economic success of this nation.


President Bush Meets with Public Safety Officer Medal of Honor Recipients - 英語演講

THE PRESIDENT: You know, one of the wonderful experiences of being a President is to wele citizens who have served their munities with valor and passion. And General and I are surrounded by four such gentlemen who have been heroic in their duties. They will tell you they were just doing their job; I'm telling you they did their job with extraordinary courage. And so it's been an honor to award them this precious medal. And I want to thank you all very much for joining us. Proud to call you fellow citizens.


復开式聽寫答題順序及技能 - 技能古道热肠得



President Bush Discusses prehensive Immigration Reform in - 英語演講

April 9, 20

10:21 A.M. MST

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all. Thank you all very much, please be seated. Thanks for the warm wele. Thanks for the warm weather. (Laughter.)

AUDIENCE MEMBER: Twenty-eight degrees in Washington.

THE PRESIDENT: Yes, 28 degrees in Washington, that's right. I appreciate you sharing that with me. (Laughter.) Sometimes it's a little hotter than that in Washington. But I'm glad to be back here in Yuma. Thank you so very much for your hospitality. Thanks for your service to the country. I appreciate so very much the work you're doing day and night to protect these borders. And the American people owe you a great debt of gratitude.

The Border Patrol is really an important agency. I know some people are wondering whether or not it makes sense to join the Border Patrol. My answer is, I've gotten to know the Border Patrol, I know the people serving in this fine agency -- I would strongly urge our fellow citizens to take a look at this profession. You're outdoors, you're working with good people, and you're making a solid contribution to the United States of America. And I want to thank you all for wearing the uniform and doing the tough work necessary, the work that the American people expect you to do.

Last May, I visited this section of the border, and it was then that I talked about the need for our government to give you the manpower and resources you need to do your job. We were understaffed here. We weren't using enough technology to enable those who work here to be able to do the job the American people expect. I Returned to check on the progress, to make sure that the check wasn't in the mail -- it, in fact, had been delivered.

I went to a neighborhood that abuts up against the border when I was here in May. It's the place where a lot of people came charging across. One or two agents would be trying to do their job and stopping a flood of folks charging into Arizona, and they couldn't do the job -- just physically impossible. Back at this site, there's now infrastructure, there's fencing. And the amount of people trying to cross the border at that spot is down significantly.

I appreciate very much Ron Colburn and Ulay Littleton. They gave me the tour. Colburn, as you know, is heading up north. He's going to miss the weather. More importantly, he's going to miss the folks he worked with down here. I appreciate both of their service, I appreciate the tour. The efforts are working -- this border is more secure, and America is safer as a result.

Securing the border is a critical part of a strategy for prehensive immigration reform. It is an important part of a reform that is necessary so that the Border Patrol agents down here can do their job more effectively. Congress is going to take up the legislation on immigration. It is a matter of national interest and it's a matter of deep conviction for me. I've been working to bring Republicans and Democrats together to resolve outstanding issues so that Congress can pass a prehensive bill and I can sign it into law this year. (Applause.)

I appreciate the hard work of Secretary Michael Chertoff, the Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. I appreciate missioner Ralph Ba, he's the main man in charge of U.S. Customs and Border Protection. David Aguilar, Chief of the Border Patrol is with us. David, thank you for the job you're doing. Lieutenant General Steven Blum, Chief of the National Guard Bureau. I want to thank the governor of the state of Arizona, Janet Napolitano. I appreciate you being here, Governor, thank you for taking time from the session to be down here. It means a lot when the governors take an active interest in what's going on in the borders of their respective states.

I appreciate so very much Senator John Kyl. Kyl is one of the most respected United States senators and I'm proud to be with him today -- and glad to give him a ride back to Washington, I might add. (Laughter.)

I appreciate members of the congressional delegation who have joined us: John Shadegg; Jeff Flake -- from Snowflake, Arizona, I want you to know -- and I appreciate you working on this immigration issue; Congressman Trent Franks, and Congressman Harry Mitchell. I appreciate you all taking time for being with me here today, it means a lot that you'd e.

I want to thank Senator Tim Bee, he's the president of the Arizona State Senate, for being here. Mr. Mayor, thank you for ing. Larry Nelson, the Mayor of Yuma, Arizona. I appreciate you being here, Mr. Mayor.

I do want to thank Major General David Ratacheck, the Adjutant General of the state of Arizona; thank all the local and state officials; and, most importantly, I want to thank the Border Patrol agents and I want to thank the National Guard folks for wearing the uniform. I am proud to be the mander-in-Chief of all these units here today and I appreciate your service to the United States of America. (Applause.)

I hope by now the American people understand the need for prehensive immigration reform is a clear need. Illegal immigration is a serious problem -- you know it better than anybody. It puts pressure on the public schools and the hospitals, not only here in our border states, but states around the country. It drains the state and local budgets. I was talking to the governor about how it strained the budgets. Incarceration of criminals who are here illegally strains the Arizona budget. But there's a lot of other ways it strains the local and state budgets. It brings crime to our munities.

It's a problem and we need to address it aggressively. This problem has been growing for decades, and past efforts to address it have failed. These failures helped create a perception that America was not serious about enforcing our immigration laws and that they could be broken without consequence. Past efforts at reform did not do enough to secure our nation's borders. As a result, many people have been able to sneak into this country.

If you don't man your borders and don't protect your borders, people are going to sneak in, and that's what's been happening for a long time. Past efforts at reform failed to address the underlying economic reasons behind illegal immigration. People will make great sacrifices to get into this country the find jobs and provide for their families.

When I was the governor of Texas I used to say family values did not stop at the Rio Grande River. People are ing here to put food on the table, and they're doing jobs Americans are not doing. And the farmers in this part of the world understand exactly what I'm saying. But so do a lot of other folks around the country. People are ing to work, and many of them have no lawful way to e to America, and so they're sneaking in.

Past efforts at reform also failed to provide sensible ways for employers to verify the legal status of the workers they hire. It's against the law to knowingly hire an illegal alien. And as a result, because they couldn't verify the legal status, it was difficult for employers to ply. It was difficult for the government to enforce the law at the work site. And, yet, it is a necessary part of a prehensive plan. You see, the lessons of all these experiences -- the lesson of these experiences is clear: All elements of the issue must be addressed together. You can't address just one aspect and not be able to say to the American people that we're securing our borders.

We need a prehensive bill, and that's what I'm working with members of Congress on, a prehensive immigration bill. And now is the year to get it done. The first element, of course, is to secure this border. That's what I'm down here for, to remind the American people that we're spending their taxpayer -- their money, taxpayers' money, on securing the border. And we're making progress. This border should be open to trade and lawful immigration, and shut down to criminals and drug dealers and terrorists and coyotes and smugglers, people who prey on innocent life.

We more than doubled the funding for border security since I've been the President. In other words, it's one thing to hear people e down here and talk; it's another thing for people to e down and do what they say they're going to do. And I want to thank Congress for working on this issue. The funding is increasing manpower. The additional funding is increasing infrastructure, and it's increasing technology.

When I landed here at the airport, the first thing I saw was an unmanned aerial vehicle. It's a sophisticated piece of equipment. You can fly it from inside a truck, and you can look at people moving at night. It's the most sophisticated technology we have, and it's down here on the border to help the Border Patrol agents do their job. We've expanded the number of Border Patrol agents from about 9,000 to 13,000, and by the end of 2008, we're going to have a total of more than 18,000 agents.

I had the privilege of going to Artesia, New Mexico, to the training center. It was a fantastic experience to see the young cadets getting ready to e and wear the green of the Border Patrol. By the time we're through, we will have doubled the size of the Border Patrol. In other words, you can't do the job the American people expect unless you got enough manpower, and we're increasing the manpower down here.

This new technology is really important to basically leverage the manpower. Whether it be the technology of surveillance and munication, we're going to make sure the agents have got what is necessary to be able to establish a mon picture and get out to the field as quickly as possible so that those 18,000 agents, when they're finally on station, can do the job the American people expect.

But manpower can't do it alone. In other words, there has to be some infrastructure along the border to be able to let these agents do their job. And so I appreciate the fact that we've got double fencing, all-weather roads, new lighting, mobile cameras. The American people have no earthly idea what's going on down here. One of the reasons I've e is to let you know, let the taxpayers know, the good folks down here are making progress.

We've worked with our nation's governors to deploy 6,000 National Guard members to provide the Border Patrol with immediate reinforcements. In other words, it takes time to train the Border Patrol, and until they're fully trained, we've asked the Guard to e down. It's called Operation Jump Start, and the Guard down here is serving nobly.

I had the chance to visit with some of the Guard, and Mr. Mayor, you'll be pleased to hear they like being down here in Yuma, Arizona. They like the people, and they like the mission. More than 600 members of the Guard are serving here in the Yuma Sector. And I thank the Guard, and, equally importantly, I thank their families for standing by the men and women who wear the uniform during this particular mission. You email them back home and tell them how much I appreciate the fact they're standing by you.

I appreciate very much the fact that illegal border crossings in this area are down. In the months before Operation Jump Start, an average of more than 400 people a day were apprehended trying to cross here. The number has dropped to fewer than 140 a day. In other words, one way that the Border Patrol can tell whether or not we're making progress is the number of apprehensions. When you're apprehending fewer people, it means fewer are trying to e across. And fewer are trying to e across because we're deterring people from attempting illegal border crossings in the first place.

I appreciate what Colburn said -- he puts it this way, they're watching -- "They see us watching them," that's what he said, "and they have decided they just can't get across." And that's part of the effort we're doing. We're saying we're going to make it harder for you, so don't try in the first place.

We're seeing similar results all across the southern border. The number of people apprehended for illegally crossing our southern border is down by nearly 30 percent this year. We're making progress. And thanks for your hard work. It's hard work, but necessary work.

Another important to illegal immigration is to end what was called catch and release. I know how this discouraged some of our Border Patrol agents. I talked to them personally. They worked hard to find somebody sneaking in the country, they apprehended them; the next thing they know, they're back in society on our side of the border. There's nothing more discouraging than have somebody risk their life or work hard and have the fruits of their labor undermined. And that's what was happening with catch and release. In other words, we'd catch people, and we'd say, show up for your court date, and they wouldn't show up for their court date. That shouldn't surprise anybody. But that's what was happening. And the reason why that was happening is because we didn't have enough beds to detain people.

Now, most of the people we apprehend down here are from Mexico. About 85 percent of the illegal immigrants caught crossing into -- crossing this border are Mexicans -- crossing the southern border are Mexicans. And they're sent home within 24 hours. It's the illegal immigrants from other countries that are not that easy to send home.

For many years, the government didn't have enough space, and so Michael and I worked with Congress to increase the number of beds available. So that excuse was eliminated. The practice has been effectively ended. Catch and release for every non-Mexican has been effectively ended. And I want to thank the Border Patrol and the leaders of the Border Patrol for allowing me to stand up and say that's the case.

The reason why is not only do we have beds, we've expedited the legal process to cut the average deportation time. Now, these are non-Mexican illegal aliens that we've caught trying to sneak into our country. We're making it clear to foreign governments that they must accept back their citizens who violate our immigration laws. I said we're going to effectively end catch and release, and we have. And I appreciate your hard work in doing that.

The second element of a prehensive immigration reform is a temporary worker program. You cannot fully secure the border until we take pressure off the border. And that requires a temporary worker program. It seems to make sense to me that if you've got people ing here to do jobs Americans aren't doing, we need to figure out a way that they can do so in a legal basis for a temporary period of time. And that way our Border Patrol can chase the criminals and the drug runners, potential terrorists, and not have to try to chase people who are ing here to do work Americans are not doing.

If you want to take the pressure off your border, have a temporary worker program. It will help not only reduce the number of people ing across the border, but it will do something about the inhumane treatment that these people are subjected to. There's a whole smuggling operation. You know this better than I do. There's a bunch of smugglers that use the individual as a piece of -- as a modity. And they make money off these poor people. And they stuff them in the back of 18-wheelers. And they find hovels for them to hide in. And there's a whole industry that has sprung up. And it seems like to me that since this country respects human rights and the human condition, that it be a great contribution to eliminate this thuggery, to free these people from this kind of extortion that they go through. And one way to do so is to say you can e and work in our country for jobs Americans aren't doing for a temporary period of time.

The third element of a prehensive reform is to hold employers accountable for the workers they hire,論文翻譯. In other words, if you want to make sure that we've got a system in which people are not violating the law, then you've got to make sure we hold people to account, like employers. Enforcing immigration is a vital part of any successful reform. And so Chertoff and his department are cracking down on employers who knowingly violate the law.

But not only are there coyotes smuggling people in, there are document forgers that are making a living off these people. So, in other words, people may want to ply with the law, but it's very difficult at times to verify the legal status of their employees. And so to make the work site enforcement practical on a larger scale, we have got to issue a tamper-proof identification card for legal foreign workers.

We must create a better system for employers to verify the he legality of the workers. In other words, we got work to do. And part of a prehensive bill is to make sure work site enforcement is effective.

Fourth, we've got to resolve the status of millions of illegal immigrants already here in the country. People who entered our country illegally should not be given amnesty. Amnesty is the forgiveness of an offense without penalty. I oppose amnesty, and I think most people in the United States Congress oppose amnesty. People say, why not have amnesty? Well, the reason why is because 10 years from now you don't want to have a President having to address the next 11 million people who might be here illegally. That's why you don't want amnesty. And, secondly, we're a nation of law, and we expect people to uphold the law.

So we're working closely with Republicans and Democrats to find a practical answer that lies between granting automatic citizenship to every illegal immigrant and deporting every illegal immigrant.

It is impractical to take the position that, oh, we'll just find the 11 million or 12 million people and send them home. It's just an impractical position; it's not going to work. It may sound good. It may make nice sound bite news. It won't happen.

And, therefore, we need to work together to e up with a practical solution to this problem, and I know people in Congress are working hard on this issue. Illegal immigrants who have roots in our country and want to stay should have to pay a meaningful penalty for breaking the law, and pay their taxes, and learn the English language, and show work -- show that they've worked in a job for a number of years. People who meet a reasonable number of conditions and pay a penalty of time and money should be able to apply for citizenship. But approval would not be automatic, and they would have to wait in line behind those who played by the rules and followed the law.

What I've described is a way for those who've broken the law to pay their debt to society and demonstrate the that makes a good citizen.

Finally, we have got to honor the tradition of the melting pot, and help people assimilate into our society by learning our history, our values and our language. Last June I created a new task force to look for ways to help newers assimilate and succeed in our country. Many organizations, from churches to businesses to civic associations, are working to answer this call, and I'm grateful for their service.

And so here are the outlines for a prehensive immigration reform bill. It's an emotional issue, as I'm sure you can imagine. People have got deep . And my hope is that we can have a serious and civil and conclusive debate. And so we'll continue to work with members of both political parties. I think the atmosphere up there is good right now. I think people generally want to e together and put a good bill together -- one, by the way, that will make your job a lot easier.

It's important that we address this issue in good faith. And it's important for people to listen to everybody's positions. It's important for people not to give up, no matter how hard it looks from a legislative perspective. It's important that we get a bill done. We deserve a system that secures our borders, and honors our proud history as a nation of immigrants.

And so I can't think of a better place to e and to talk about the good work that's being done and the important work that needs to be done in Washington, D.C., and that's right here in Yuma, Arizona, a place full of decent, hardworking, honorable people. May God bless you all. (Applause.)

END 10:45 A.M. MST